Answers to questions you may have
What is BSURE?
BSURE is the first and currently the only definitive blood test to objectively diagnose Immune Deficiency Diseases, such as Fibromyalgia. It is the result of award-winning research and independent clinical studies performed at the University of Illinois College of Medicine.
The BSURE Blood Test is not a DNA-based test nor does it identify your personal DNA, so your personal DNA-related information remains confidential. According to the National Institutes of Health, "DNA is an important source of information about health.”
How does it identify Immune Deficiency Disease?
Patients with Immune Deficiency Disease have been shown to have an irregular pattern of chemokine and cytokine protein production in their immune systems. BSURE analyzes these patterns in the immune system’s white blood cells.
Who can get the test?
If you suffer from Immune Deficiency Disease symptoms and your healthcare provider authorizes the blood test, you qualify. There is no age limitation. We now offer testing of patients from the U.S., Canada, Europe, Turkey, Mexico, Central and South America, the Caribbean, Hong Kong, Australia and New Zealand.
Is BSURE covered by Insurance?
Yes, it is covered by Medicare and most major insurance companies. We will, at no cost and with no obligation, contact your insurance company’s billing department to confirm your coverage before you have the test.
Can I still get the test if my insurance won't cover it?
Yes. The cost of the test is $1,080, including the test kit we will send you, the blood draw, and the return of your blood specimen to our laboratory are included in the price for US patients only. There are no other charges. Payment plans are available.
How do I apply for BSURE?
Start by completing the BSURE Application Form. It takes just a few minutes. If you need help finding a provider to order the test for you, please contact us at 310-444-1210. There is no cost or obligation.
How and where do I get the blood test?
Our medical staff will review your information and, upon approval, we will send you a BSURE Test kit. We will also arrange for your blood to be drawn at a Healthcare professional's lab at a time and location convenient for you at no cost. The procedure is simple and requires less than one ounce of blood. Your blood specimen will be overnighted to our CLIA-licensed and CAP-accredited laboratory in Los Angeles for analysis.
How long does the process take?
You’ll get an email to let you know that we’ve received your application. We’ll review your information and confirm your insurance coverage, which normally takes about 7 days. Following your blood draw, you can expect your results in about 10 days. Results will be mailed to you and to the doctor who ordered your test. (Due to HIPAA requirements, results cannot be emailed.)
What else should I know?
After you apply online, you will receive a call from a lab professional to answer your questions and help you prepare for the BSURE Test. For example, we’ll let you know if you should speak with your doctors about temporarily stopping any medications that may affect your BSURE Test results before your blood draw.
What has our research discovered that makes the BSURE Test so valuable?
The BSURE Test is related to the development of the FM/a® Test for diagnosing fibromyalgia at the Department of Pathology at the University of Illinois College of Medicine at Chicago. Using that test in a multi-year research study with the Genomics Laboratory at the University of Illinois College of Medicine at Chicago, we have made a breakthrough concerning fibromyalgia and chronic pain and these findings were recently published in one of the most prestigious scientific and medical journals in the world- NATURE-Scientific Reports. It has been attached.
We have uncovered the fact that 100% of fibromyalgia blood test positive patients have unique DNA genomic signatures and none of these signatures were seen in normal, healthy matched individuals.
So, this DNA-based science objectively proves that fibromyalgia is a medical disease and not the previous allegation that fibromyalgia was only a “syndrome” limited to subjective complaints. Whether you are a patient suspected to have fibromyalgia or a healthcare practitioner who is seeking a more accurate and thorough understanding of fibromyalgia, you now have the knowledge of DNA-based science as it concerns fibromyalgia. Therefore, when you choose the BSURE Test, you can appreciate how we have been able to replace myths about fibromyalgia with DNA-based facts and show the immune deficiency disease patterns that are associated with the BSURE Test and their link to DNA-based science.